5 ways to tap into more energy and clearer direction in your life
There is a simple and powerful way to tap into more energy. Energy to get things done in a meaningful way. All you need to do is connect the dots.
When we are busy and have a lot on our plate, there is a tendency to skim through. Just get things done and keep going. And may I say ‘well done’ to you – you kept going and got things done. However, there is a powerful way of making it easier to do much more than just make it through. You just have to connect the dots. Your own dots. Connect and align the right parts of you to realise your potential. Align your actions to your values.
If you are unsure what to do next in life, or which job to take, this is the exercise for you.
Stanford Professor Kelly McGonigal refers to a study that has been replicated many times that asked students to write about their personal values over the holidays.
“It turns out that writing about your values is one of the most effective psychological interventions ever studied. In the short term, writing about personal values makes people feel more powerful, in control, proud, and strong. It also makes them feel more loving, connected, and empathetic toward others. It increases pain tolerance, enhances self-control, and reduces unhelpful rumination after a stressful experience.
In the long term, writing about values has been shown to boost GPAs, reduce doctor visits, improve mental health, and help with everything from weight loss to quitting smoking and reducing drinking. It helps people persevere in the face of discrimination and reduces self-handicapping. In many cases, these benefits are a result of a one-time mindset intervention. People who write about their values once, for ten minutes, show benefits months or even years later.”—Kelly McGonigal
Meaning and consistency are what hold us together. When you tap into your values you tap into a well of energy. If you want to feel in flow with your life it helps to understand how what you are doing connects to your values.
Recently, a client who wants to make headway in his job, but feels a bit unsure, mentioned a Dad’s project he is part of. I noticed how he was really energized and switched on when he talked about it. When asked more about what the underlying driver was for this project, he explained that he was setting an example for his children – giving them someone to be proud of. Family is one of his strongly held values. By taking action in accordance with his values he is energized, clearer about what to do and lead the way.
The next step is to identify how his values align with how he approaches his work, in order to tap into that same well of energy. So, when I saw James Clear’s reference to writing about values for stress management it confirmed just how valuable it is for all of us try this simple exercise of writing down our values.
1. Value values
Become conscious of how your energy shifts when you tune into how your body responds to thinking about things that have importance and meaning for you.
Think about something you are resisting or self critical about. Tune into how it feels in your body when you think about that subject and how much energy you have available. Now flip it and think of something that really has meaning or value for you, or that brings you joy. Note how you feel physically different, how much energy you have when you focus in this way.
2. Clarify your values
What are your values? Think about it. What do you believe in that causes you to live the way you do, be who you are? Identify what matters to you, what you stand for and what values you have. Who do you want to be in the world? Here is a sample list of values.
Achievement Creativity Happiness Love Self Respect
Adventure Curiosity Honesty Loyalty Service
Autonomy Determination Ideas Openness Security
Balance Fairness Justice Optimism Spirituality
Beauty Faith Kindness Peace Status
Compassion Family Knowledge Reputation Trustworthiness
Community Friendship Leadership Respect Wealth
Consistency Growth Learning Security Wisdom
You may have other values, these are just to get you going. Try choosing five values that are important to you and write them down and how they have meaning in your life. Even if you pick the same word as someone else it will have a special meaning for you.
3. Your top values
I remember being part of a Young Achievers conference and we identified our 10 top values and then did exercises where we had to eliminate some of these in order to choose the most important. For example, “you are on a plane that is crashing – of your top 3 values you have to give one up to survive the crash.” Whittle your list down to your top three. Having to think about what makes the cut, makes you really test your belief in those values.
4. How do your values express themselves in your life?
How do you live those values? How are you putting them into action? How do you want to live them?
Achievement, ideas and autonomy are closely held values for me. That is why I have designed my business and lifestyle as I do. I continuously engage with new ideas and ways of communicating better and getting better results in life (which for me is so exciting and energizing I just love it) and share that with clients, through my own business. Someone else would not design a consultancy the way I have. But for me it really works because I designed it around me, what I’m good at and love.
5. Action - small steps
What is the smallest step you could take that is consistent with living your values? Starting with small steps greatly increases the likely hood of success with any change you choose to make in your life.
Remind yourself of your goal by giving yourself a visual link through a picture or screen saver, a post it, or a certain song. Just something simple that reminds you of what is really important to you. Connect the dots, your dots, so you feel whole.
As Mahatma Ghandi said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.
Share your values here…